It only took 9 years …. American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus)

The first time I saw an American Dipper was in November 2014. I was on a Bald Eagle workshop with Moose Peterson in Haines, Alaska.

It was a very dull and dark day and I saw this tiny (compared to Bald Eagles) quickly working along the river bank. I asked what it was and Moose said an American Dipper. Of course the light was so poor I couldn’t get a good image. Unfortunately, I did not see it during the rest of the workshop.

So whenever I am shooting near a balling brook or an active stream I am hoping to see an American Dipper – but it did not happen until this May.

Having visited Valles Caldera in New Mexico and picked up some new birds for me, we took a drive to a small village called Jemez Springs. While taking landscape images of an unusual Soda Dam, a friend pointed out an American Dipper flitting about. So after a quick lens change I just captured it as it flew under the Soda Dam. Believing that ti was visiting the stream above the Soda Dam waterfall, we hiked round and watched the Dipper for fifteen to twenty minutes, as it flitted around the stream.

An American Dipper enjoying a snack.

I really love it when I can get a photograph of a bird enjoying a meal.

An American Dipper dipping

Another thing I always admire is when the plumage just blends in with the landscape.

An American Dipper camouflaged.

Gear: Nikon Z 9, Nikkor Z100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S, Nikkor TC-1.4*

#AmericanDipper #Cinclusmexicanus #NikonZ9 #NikkorZ100400 #mothernatureimages #richardkingphotography #wildlifephotography #birding #JemexSprings #NewMexico #Nikonlove #NikonNoFilter #ZCreators #USA @Service.Photo

2 Responses to “It only took 9 years …. American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus)”

  1. Jackie says:

    So cool!

  2. Rick Hervey says:

    One of our favorite birds. Once we saw one go over a waterfall and easily fly out 20 feet below. Amazing.

    Thanks for the pictures

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