
Who would have thought – An Owl that Lives Below Ground?

Who would have thought - An Owl that Lives Below Ground?

Yes indeed the Burrowing Owl digs its own burrow in which to lay and hatch its young! In Cape Coral, Florida you are told to look for vacant building lots to search for Burrowing Owls (Athene Caunicularia).  This proves the Owls are a wise as legend has, because in Cape Coral their habitats are protected […]

Juveniles ONLY – NO ADULTS !

Juveniles ONLY - NO ADULTS !

I made a return visit to Pinecraft Park in Sarasota to show Louise the Barred Owls and the Pileated Woodpeckers.  However, on this visit I could only shoot the juveniles.  We did see an adult Barred Owl, but it was right against the trunk of a tree and completely obscured by branches and leaves.  But […]

For Someone who has just started their bird photography – it can’t get any better than today!

For Someone who has just started their bird photography - it can't get any better than today!

Recently, was it really only yesterday, I had my first encounter with a Pileated Woodpecker and that was fantastic. Today I was heading for The Celery Fields near Saratoga (well in the last ten days I had been to two different Lettuce Lakes – perhaps there is a salad theme here?) having had the best […]

Revisit to Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida

Revisit to Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida

Yesterday morning I went back to Honeymoon Island State Park.  Mainly because I had heard the day before that there was a pair of Great Horned Owls that had two chicks that had fledged – AND also I had such a great day there on Saturday.  On Saturday I had spent some time moving slowly […]