Posts Tagged ‘Birding’

It only took 9 years …. American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus)

It only took 9 years .... American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus)

The first time I saw an American Dipper was in November 2014. I was on a Bald Eagle workshop with Moose Peterson in Haines, Alaska. It was a very dull and dark day and I saw this tiny (compared to Bald Eagles) quickly working along the river bank. I asked what it was and Moose […]

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th

Are you superstitious? Frankly I am not, but when it comes to Wildlife Photography, we had been skunked a lot lately. We had a whale watching tour from Forillon National Park and saw no whales. The operator had the policy that if you don’t see any whales and you are still in the area you […]

A Shore Birder’s paradise

A Shore Birder's paradise

I just love watching and shooting shorebirds.  As regular readers know I even travel to Churchill, Manitoba to shoot the shorebirds in their striking breeding plumage. I have had great fun at Fort DeSoto County Park in Florida – working a Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) when my spotter (Louise) points out a Long-billed Curlew (Numinous […]

The non-Shorebirds that go to Churchill

The non-Shorebirds that go to Churchill

My previous blog was about the shorebirds in their gorgeous breeding plumage that make their way to Churchill, Manitoba.  But there are plenty of other types of birds and species that travel all the way to Churchill in order to breed. Many of these birds also “dress up” in order to attract a mate!  Here […]

Witnessing a Natural Phenomenon

Witnessing a Natural Phenomenon

As the blog from our full-time RVing in North Americas says – serendipity strikes again.  We visited Haines in Alaska for images of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) but instead discovered all three species of Scoters (Surf Scoter, Black Scoter and White-winged Scoter) in this feeding frenzy. Oh how I love wildlife photography! Mother Nature is […]

Stalking the Jaegers

Stalking the Jaegers

Week 1 in Churchill, Manitoba we had seen a pair of Parasitic Jaegers (Stercorarius parasiticus), on one of the areas of Tundra marsh from a distance, while driving by looking for suitable bird shoots.  Week 2 and one of the objectives I set myself, was to get some good shots of these birds.  So with […]

Birding in the Tundra

Birding in the Tundra

I am on a Moose Peterson workshop in Churchill, Manitoba to photograph the nesting migrating birds.  Why?  Because most of the shorebirds display dramatically different plumage when mating and these images can only be caught here!  So we are on our second day and I wanted to share with you come of the images from […]