Posts Tagged ‘USA’

Black-and-White Warbler (Mniotilta varia)

Black-and-White Warbler (Mniotilta varia)

Spring Bird Migration USA 05 The Black-and-White Warbler is easily distinguished from other warblers by the way it moves on the limbs and branches of trees. It scurries, climbs up and descends along the branches looking for insects to eat. Very often they can be seen hanging upside down on a branch in their search […]

Cape May Warbler (Setophaga Tigrina)

Cape May Warbler (Setophaga Tigrina)

Spring Bird Migration USA The Cape May Warbler, while being one of the species passing through Magee Marsh, was the most evasive. There was very limited visibility of the male Cape May Warbler, dodging around non-stop making it extremely hard to get a picture (but, of course that is his job!). However, on my penultimate […]

Magnolia Warbler (Setophaga magnolia)

Magnolia Warbler (Setophaga magnolia)

Spring Bird Migration USA 04 The Magnolia Warbler has a distinctive black neckband with black streaks that radiate from the neckband giving the impression of a jeweled necklace. The Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) is often confused with the Magnolia as it also has the jeweled necklace, but the Magnolia has other black streaks along its […]

Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia)

Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia)

Spring Bird Migration USA 01 I posted this on Instagram the other day hoping it would also post here and on Facebook. No such luck! A first visit to the marshes on the southern side of Lake Erie in northern Ohio. The mission is to photograph the migration of warblers as they rest a little […]

Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus)

Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus)

Spring Bird Migration As the week at the Marshes on the Southern Shore of Lake Erie in Ohio progresses, this very distinctive bird call was teasing me. The call was from a Warbling Vireo, I could get a sense of direction, but could not find it. The trees are in full leaf and I think […]

Mountain Bluebirds – Adult Female and 3 Fledgelings

Mountain Bluebirds - Adult Female and 3 Fledgelings

Visiting Custer State Park in South Dakota. One of the best wildlife parks to visit. It has everything from the great old male Buffalo to some of the tiniest birds. A good place for birds is in the airport area. The fenceposts are very popular. Traveling around the Wildlife Loop Road this family of Mountain […]

This Guy Deserves an Award !

This Guy Deserves an Award !

While in Yellowstone National Park, I had stopped to work a pair of Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator) and noticed a group of cars pulled off the road just up the hill – probably bear! Having finished with the swans, I decided to walk up to the other cars to see what was going on.  As […]

A Taste of the Old West – A Feast of Black and White

A Taste of the Old West - A Feast of Black and White

Click on image to see complete blog post A recent post on our travel blog about The Old Trail Town in Cody, WY.  For me a feast in black and white photography – going back in time to get the feel of these old, original, cabins, stores, schoolhouse, stables, etc. from the Wild West.  Including […]

February Images, Back to Landscapes

February Images, Back to Landscapes

Most of February was spent visiting Death Valley National Park and then Lone Pine, one of our favourite towns just outside of the Park. Here are a few images from the month.  Click HERE to visit the whole collection from February’s processing. Click on an individual image to go to acquire one of these images. Gear: Nikon […]

Kenai Fjords National Park – what a dream

Kenai Fjords National Park - what a dream

We took the Wildlife  excursion with Kenai Fjords Tours from Seward.  it was 8.5 hours of pure delight.  Captain Mark Lundstrom did an excellent job of getting us to the locations and providing insight on the birds, marine mammals, glaciation and volcanic activity.  We had the good fortune to meet Mark when we went to the […]

Witnessing a Natural Phenomenon

Witnessing a Natural Phenomenon

As the blog from our full-time RVing in North Americas says – serendipity strikes again.  We visited Haines in Alaska for images of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) but instead discovered all three species of Scoters (Surf Scoter, Black Scoter and White-winged Scoter) in this feeding frenzy. Oh how I love wildlife photography! Mother Nature is […]

Why do they call Haliaeetus leucocephalus “Snow Pigeons” ?

Why do they call Haliaeetus leucocephalus “Snow Pigeons” ?

This is a recent blog from our full-time RVing travels about Wildlife Photography of Bald Eagles in Alaska. Click on the image to go to the blog entry.

Ell Fishing on the Klamath River

Ell Fishing on the Klamath River

This is a recent post from our travel blog  It is yet another amazing thing that we literally just stumbled upon, witnessed and then learnt more about.   Eel Fishing at Klamath River Estuary   Hope you enjoy   Gear: Nikon D800, Nikkor 80.0-400.0mm f/4.5-5.6 VRIII; Nikkor TC-17 EII; Lexar Digital Film

Oh to be able to shoot them in their natural environment!

Oh to be able to shoot them in their natural environment!

This was my first “long exposure” (pun intended) to photographing gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), especially since I started wildlife photography a couple of years ago.  While this is not their natural jungle environment this enclosure at San Diego Wildlife Park seemed to work well for the gorillas. We just stood and watched them for a while […]

A Sample of Recent Adventures in South Dakota.

A Sample of Recent Adventures in South Dakota.

As we approached the Thor Diesel Owners Club Rally I managed to carve out a day and a half to work on some images.  Something I haven’t managed to do since the end of May – which is REALLY bad.  But essential timing as I head to Anchorage tomorrow morning for a Moose & Northern […]

A Rare Experience in Custer State Park

A Rare Experience in Custer State Park

We were visiting The Black Hills of South Dakota and fell in love with the scenery and especially the Wildlife Loop.  We also really liked Custer, the town and could envisage settling there eventually (as long as the Winters are not too L o n g ). While in the area we had enjoyed seeing […]

Things To Do On The Beach – 04

Things To Do On The Beach - 04

When you wake up…… Preen A Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus) preening

Things To Do On The Beach – 03

Things To Do On The Beach - 03

Have a Snooze Gear: Nikon D4s, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-17 EII, Lexar Digital Film.  For the close-ups mounted on Skimmer Ground Pod II with RRS Ball-head, for the others mounted on RRS Tripod and RRS Gimbal Head

Things To Do On The Beach – 02

Things To Do On The Beach - 02

Take A Bath Gear: Nikon D4s, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-17 EII, Lexar Digital Film.  For the close-ups mounted on Skimmer Ground Pod II with RRS Ball-head, for the others mounted on RRS Tripod and RRS Gimbal Head

Things To Do On The Beach – 01

Things To Do On The Beach - 01

If you have an itch scratch it!! Gear: Nikon D4s, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-17 EII, Lexar Digital Film.  For the close-ups mounted on Skimmer Ground Pod II with RRS Ball-head, for the others mounted on RRS Tripod and RRS Gimbal Head

The Whimbrel’s Cousin – (Numenicus americanus)

The Whimbrel's Cousin - (Numenicus americanus)

Last year Louise & I spent many hours “stalking” Whimbrels (Numenius phaseopus) while we were in Churchill, Manitoba and had a fantastic adventure. One of my Whimbrel images from that adventure is below…. Now, in Florida, shooting shorebirds, wading birds and the occasional diurnal raptor we come face to face with one of Whimbrel’s cousins. […]

From The “Frozen North” in Search Of The Bubo scandiacus

From The "Frozen North" in Search Of The Bubo scandiacus

Well, actually it is not that far North, Southern Ontario, but it is January, it has snowed, it is -16C with a 40 kph wind blowing – it certainly feels like the frozen North. I am on a workshop to shoot Snowy Owls.  This winter there is a very large over-population of Snowy Owls and […]

“Merlin” – My 40′ Motor Home

"Merlin" - My 40' Motor Home

As many of you may remember Louise and I recently purchased a 2007 Monaco Camelot 40′ diesel pusher.  We call it Merlin as we thought it the most appropriate of all of the names from Arthurian Legend. I am frequently asked “when can I/we see your motor home”?  Some folks think we brought it back […]

Who would have thought – An Owl that Lives Below Ground?

Who would have thought - An Owl that Lives Below Ground?

Yes indeed the Burrowing Owl digs its own burrow in which to lay and hatch its young! In Cape Coral, Florida you are told to look for vacant building lots to search for Burrowing Owls (Athene Caunicularia).  This proves the Owls are a wise as legend has, because in Cape Coral their habitats are protected […]