Posts Tagged ‘Wildlife bird photography’

Western Screech-Owl, Another Birding First!

Western Screech-Owl, Another Birding First!

We had heard that there was a Western Screech-Owl (Megascops kennicottii) at San Pedro House in Arizona. So as we had never seen this Screech Owl, we headed to the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area near Sierra Vista in Southern Arizona. Our friends Michelle and Dennis had shown us a phone picture of the […]

Mountain Bluebirds – Adult Female and 3 Fledgelings

Mountain Bluebirds - Adult Female and 3 Fledgelings

Visiting Custer State Park in South Dakota. One of the best wildlife parks to visit. It has everything from the great old male Buffalo to some of the tiniest birds. A good place for birds is in the airport area. The fenceposts are very popular. Traveling around the Wildlife Loop Road this family of Mountain […]

Puffins – Aren’t They Just Gorgeous?

Puffins - Aren't They Just Gorgeous?

One of the great opportunities when visiting Newfoundland in Canada is to go to Elliston on the east coast and see the nesting Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) colony. We were there very early in the Season and these cute little birds were just arriving for their 3 months of the year on land to breed. […]

Birds Seen for the First Time

Birds Seen for the First Time

Here are some photographs of new birds for my list so far this year. They have been shot exclusively in Texas and Southern Arizona. There are many beautiful areas and wildlife preserves down here and it is my delight to make the most of them when I can. These images were shot in the following […]

The non-Shorebirds that go to Churchill

The non-Shorebirds that go to Churchill

My previous blog was about the shorebirds in their gorgeous breeding plumage that make their way to Churchill, Manitoba.  But there are plenty of other types of birds and species that travel all the way to Churchill in order to breed. Many of these birds also “dress up” in order to attract a mate!  Here […]

I’ve Got Lunch Honey – Well Almost!

I've Got Lunch Honey - Well Almost!

Photographs of Arctic Terns on an iceberg in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada

Things To Do On The Beach – 04

Things To Do On The Beach - 04

When you wake up…… Preen A Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus) preening

Things To Do On The Beach – 03

Things To Do On The Beach - 03

Have a Snooze Gear: Nikon D4s, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-17 EII, Lexar Digital Film.  For the close-ups mounted on Skimmer Ground Pod II with RRS Ball-head, for the others mounted on RRS Tripod and RRS Gimbal Head

Things To Do On The Beach – 01

Things To Do On The Beach - 01

If you have an itch scratch it!! Gear: Nikon D4s, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-17 EII, Lexar Digital Film.  For the close-ups mounted on Skimmer Ground Pod II with RRS Ball-head, for the others mounted on RRS Tripod and RRS Gimbal Head

The Whimbrel’s Cousin – (Numenicus americanus)

The Whimbrel's Cousin - (Numenicus americanus)

Last year Louise & I spent many hours “stalking” Whimbrels (Numenius phaseopus) while we were in Churchill, Manitoba and had a fantastic adventure. One of my Whimbrel images from that adventure is below…. Now, in Florida, shooting shorebirds, wading birds and the occasional diurnal raptor we come face to face with one of Whimbrel’s cousins. […]

From The “Frozen North” in Search Of The Bubo scandiacus

From The "Frozen North" in Search Of The Bubo scandiacus

Well, actually it is not that far North, Southern Ontario, but it is January, it has snowed, it is -16C with a 40 kph wind blowing – it certainly feels like the frozen North. I am on a workshop to shoot Snowy Owls.  This winter there is a very large over-population of Snowy Owls and […]

Why Did I Go to the Tundra to Shoot Shorebirds?

Why Did I Go to the Tundra to Shoot Shorebirds?

As you may recall from earlier posts, it was quite a journey to get to Churchill, Manitoba,  just below the Arctic Circle.  It took two days to fly there, one day to Winnipeg (Manitoba’s Capital) and another day to Churchill (the train from Winnipeg takes 2 days!) and the same to return.  When I got […]

Ablutions in the Tundra Marshes

Ablutions in the Tundra Marshes

It is past 9:00 pm, there is no hint of sunset, but we are into the sweet light of the day, referred to by most as “golden hour”.  I have been out since 6:00 am, just after sunrise, as there isn’t much night this far North – just south of the Arctic Circle – in […]