Last year Louise & I spent many hours “stalking” Whimbrels (Numenius phaseopus) while we were in Churchill, Manitoba and had a fantastic adventure. One of my Whimbrel images from that adventure is below…. Now, in Florida, shooting shorebirds, wading birds and the occasional diurnal raptor we come face to face with one of Whimbrel’s cousins. […]
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Mar 02, 2014 | Categories:Birds, Color Images, Shorebirds, Wildlife | Tags: (Numenicus americanus), available for licensed use, bird, canvas gallery wrap for sale, fine art print for sale, Florida, Fort DeSoto County Park, Lexar Professional 32GB 1000X Digital Film, Long-billed Curlew, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-20e III, Nikon, Nikon D4, Pinellas County, Richard King Photography, RRS Ball-head, RRS gimbal head, Shorebird, Skimmer Ground Pod II, USA, Wildlife bird photography, www.mothernatureimages.com, www.richardkingphoto.com | Leave A Comment »

As you may recall from earlier posts, it was quite a journey to get to Churchill, Manitoba, just below the Arctic Circle. It took two days to fly there, one day to Winnipeg (Manitoba’s Capital) and another day to Churchill (the train from Winnipeg takes 2 days!) and the same to return. When I got […]
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Jan 12, 2014 | Categories:Birds, Color Images, Shorebirds, Wildlife | Tags: adult breeding plumage, Adult non-breeding plumage, available for licensed use, bird, Canada, canvas gallery wrap for sale, Churchill, fine art print for sale, Limnodromus griseus, Manitoba, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-17 EII, Nikon D4, Really Right Stuff Gimbal Head, Really Right Stuff Tripod, Richard King Photography, RRS gimbal head, RRS tripod, Shorebird, Short-billed Dowitcher, The Churchill River, The Hudson Bay, tundra marsh, Wildlife bird photography, wildlife photographic images for sale, www.mothernatureimages.com, www.richardkingphoto.com | Leave A Comment »

A group of Stilt Sandpipers at dusk in the Tundra Marshes of Churchill, Manitoba on the Hudson Bay. They are happily milling around, preening but not looking for food – it is the end of the day, time for bed … I am stealthily taking their photographs, because as a photographer while I am edging […]
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Sep 06, 2013 | Categories:Birds, Color Images, Shorebirds, Wildlife | Tags: (Calidris himantopus), available for licensed use, bird, Cabella hip boots, Canada, canvas gallery wrap for sale, Churchill, dusk, fine art print for sale, Flock of Stilt Sandpipers suddenly flush and take off, Golden Hour, Manitoba, MB, nature photography, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-20e III, Nikon D4, Richard King Photography, RRS gimbal head, RRS tripod, Shorebird, shorebird in adult breeding plumage, Stilt Sandpiper, The Hudson Bay, twilight, twilight in the Tundra marshes, Waterscape, www.mothernatureimages.com, www.richardkingphoto.com, www.warplaneimages.com | Leave A Comment »

An image of a group of birds all heading in the same direction – hunting for sustenance in the Far North during their breeding season. But, can you spot the “odd man out”? I am not sure why, but I am always thrilled when I can get a shot with more than one species together […]
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Sep 04, 2013 | Categories:Birds, Color Images, Shorebirds, Uncategorized, Wildlife | Tags: (Calidris himantopus), (Tringa malanoleuca), adult breeding plumage, available for licensed use, bird, Cabella hip boots, Canada, canvas gallery wrap for sale, Churchill, fine art print for sale, Greater Yellowlegs, Hudson Bay, landscape, Manitoba, MB, migrating shorebird, nature images, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-14e II, Nikon D4, Richard King Photography, RRS gimbal head, RRS tripod, Shorebird, Stilt Sandpiper, tundra marsh, Waterscape, www.mothernatureimages.com, www.richardkingphoto.com, www.warplaneimages.com | Leave A Comment »

The Short-billed Dowitcher (Linodromus griseus) has a way with the girls during breeding season. He flies thousands of miles north, to the Tundra and puts on his breeding plumage. The plumage is highlighted by a bright orange (rufous) foreneck and breast. This is irresistible to the females – the purpose of the exercise. Then after […]
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Aug 31, 2013 | Categories:Birds, Color Images, Shorebirds, Uncategorized, Wildlife | Tags: (Linodromus griseus), adult breeding plumage, available for licensed use, bird, Canada, canvas gallery wrap for sale, Churchill, fine art print for sale, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, MB, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-14e II, Nikkor TC-20e III, Nikon D4, Richard King Photography, RRS gimbal head, RRS tripod, Shorebird, shorebird images, Short-billed Dowitcher, tundra marsh, wildlife photography, www.mothernatureimages.com, www.richardkingphoto.com, www.warplaneimages.com | Leave A Comment »

It is past 9:00 pm, there is no hint of sunset, but we are into the sweet light of the day, referred to by most as “golden hour”. I have been out since 6:00 am, just after sunrise, as there isn’t much night this far North – just south of the Arctic Circle – in […]
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Aug 26, 2013 | Categories:Birds, Color Images, Shorebirds, Wildlife | Tags: (Tringa melanoleuca), adult breeding plumage, available for licensed use, bird, Canada, canvas gallery wrap for sale, Churchill, evening, fine art print for sale, Golden Hour, Greater Yellowlegs, Hudson Bay, landscape, Lexar Professional 32GB 1000X Digital Film, Manitoba, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-14e II, Nikon D4, Richard King Photography, RRS gimbal head, RRS tripod, Shorebird, Waterscape, Wildlife bird photography, www.mothernatureimages.com, www.richardkingphoto.com, www.warplaneimages.com, Yellowlegs taking a bath in the Tundra marsh | Leave A Comment »

At first I easily mistook this bird for another Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa malanoleuca), as there head been several around. However, this bird was working the marsh for food by itself. A quick consultation with Sibley’s pointed me to the Solitary Sandpiper (Tringa solitarius). Apparently it is often mistaken for a Greater Yellowlegs but is described […]
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Aug 23, 2013 | Categories:Birds, Color Images, Shorebirds, Wildlife | Tags: (Tringa solitarius), adult breeding plumage, Canada, canvas gallery wrap for sale, Churchill, fine art print for sale, Hudson Bay, Lexar Professional 32GB 1000X Digital Film, Manitoba, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-14e II, Nikkor TC-20e III, Nikon D4, Richard King Photography, RRS gimbal head, RRS tripod, Shorebird, Solitary Snadpiper, tundra marsh, wildlife photographic images, www.mothernatureimages.com, www.richardkingphoto.com, www.warplaneimages.com | Leave A Comment »

Yes a great deal of the shorebirds that we see during our summer vacations and all winter long fly thousands of miles to the tundra in order to mate and breed. Part of this process is the courtship of the males and females to choose their partners and then nest and mate. One of my […]
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Jun 12, 2013 | Categories:Birds, Color Images, Shorebirds, Wildlife | Tags: available for licensed use, bird, breeding, Canada, canvas gallery wrap for sale, Churchill, color photographic image, fine art print for sale, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, MB, migrating shorebird, nesting, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-20e III, Nikon, Nikon D4, Numenius phaeopus, Richard King Photography, RRS gimbal head, RRS tripod, Shorebird, shorebirds in breeding plumage, summer plumage, tundra marsh, Whimbrel, Wildlife, www.mothernatureimages.com, www.richardkingphoto.com, www.warplaneimages.com | Leave A Comment »

I am on a Moose Peterson workshop in Churchill, Manitoba to photograph the nesting migrating birds. Why? Because most of the shorebirds display dramatically different plumage when mating and these images can only be caught here! So we are on our second day and I wanted to share with you come of the images from […]
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May 28, 2013 | Categories:Birds, Color Images, Wildlife | Tags: available for licensed use, Birding, Boreal Forrest, Canada, canvas gallery wraps for sale, Chararius semipalmatus, Churchill, fine art print for sale, Horned Grebe, Hudson Bay, Hudsonian Godwit, Lagopus lagopus, Lexar Professional 32GB 600X Digital Film, Limosa lapponica, Manitoba, Nesting migrating birds, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-20e III, Nikon, Nikon D4, Prodiceps auritus, Richard King Photography, RRS gimbal head, RRS tripod, Semipalmated Plover, Shorebird, Tundra, Upland Game Bird, wildlife photographic images, wildlife photographic images for sale, Willow Ptarmigan, www.mothernatureimages.com, www.richardkingphoto.com | 1 Comment »