Posts Tagged ‘Nikon Camera Systems’

It only took 9 years …. American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus)

It only took 9 years .... American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus)

The first time I saw an American Dipper was in November 2014. I was on a Bald Eagle workshop with Moose Peterson in Haines, Alaska. It was a very dull and dark day and I saw this tiny (compared to Bald Eagles) quickly working along the river bank. I asked what it was and Moose […]

Black-throated Green Warbler (Setophaga virens)

Black-throated Green Warbler (Setophaga virens)

Spring Bird Migration USA 06 There are three types of “Black-throated” Warblers: Green, Blue and Gray. The colour in the name refers to the colour of the plumage on the top of the head and down the back. The Black-throated Green Warbler is olive-green, white below, with yellow faces and black on the front. Adult […]

Black-and-White Warbler (Mniotilta varia)

Black-and-White Warbler (Mniotilta varia)

Spring Bird Migration USA 05 The Black-and-White Warbler is easily distinguished from other warblers by the way it moves on the limbs and branches of trees. It scurries, climbs up and descends along the branches looking for insects to eat. Very often they can be seen hanging upside down on a branch in their search […]

Cape May Warbler (Setophaga Tigrina)

Cape May Warbler (Setophaga Tigrina)

Spring Bird Migration USA The Cape May Warbler, while being one of the species passing through Magee Marsh, was the most evasive. There was very limited visibility of the male Cape May Warbler, dodging around non-stop making it extremely hard to get a picture (but, of course that is his job!). However, on my penultimate […]

Magnolia Warbler (Setophaga magnolia)

Magnolia Warbler (Setophaga magnolia)

Spring Bird Migration USA 04 The Magnolia Warbler has a distinctive black neckband with black streaks that radiate from the neckband giving the impression of a jeweled necklace. The Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) is often confused with the Magnolia as it also has the jeweled necklace, but the Magnolia has other black streaks along its […]

Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea)

Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea)

Spring Bird Migration USA 03 This visit to Maggee Marsh Wildlife Area in Ohio is the first time that I have seen the Prothonotary Warbler. It is quite different from most other Warblers to look at as it does not have a distinctive cap or stripes along the body. Yes it does have a distinctive […]

Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia)

Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia)

Spring Bird Migration USA 01 I posted this on Instagram the other day hoping it would also post here and on Facebook. No such luck! A first visit to the marshes on the southern side of Lake Erie in northern Ohio. The mission is to photograph the migration of warblers as they rest a little […]

Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus)

Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus)

Spring Bird Migration As the week at the Marshes on the Southern Shore of Lake Erie in Ohio progresses, this very distinctive bird call was teasing me. The call was from a Warbling Vireo, I could get a sense of direction, but could not find it. The trees are in full leaf and I think […]

Western Screech-Owl, Another Birding First!

Western Screech-Owl, Another Birding First!

We had heard that there was a Western Screech-Owl (Megascops kennicottii) at San Pedro House in Arizona. So as we had never seen this Screech Owl, we headed to the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area near Sierra Vista in Southern Arizona. Our friends Michelle and Dennis had shown us a phone picture of the […]

Mountain Bluebirds – Adult Female and 3 Fledgelings

Mountain Bluebirds - Adult Female and 3 Fledgelings

Visiting Custer State Park in South Dakota. One of the best wildlife parks to visit. It has everything from the great old male Buffalo to some of the tiniest birds. A good place for birds is in the airport area. The fenceposts are very popular. Traveling around the Wildlife Loop Road this family of Mountain […]

The Newfoundland Iceberg Show

The Newfoundland Iceberg Show

Nearly every late spring and summer Icebergs calved from the Greenland Icecap head South in the currents down the East coast of Newfoundland. This was a major attraction for our visit to Newfoundland in Canada. My first encounter with icebergs happened a very long time ago, when I was 17 years old. I had been […]

Puffins – Aren’t They Just Gorgeous?

Puffins - Aren't They Just Gorgeous?

One of the great opportunities when visiting Newfoundland in Canada is to go to Elliston on the east coast and see the nesting Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) colony. We were there very early in the Season and these cute little birds were just arriving for their 3 months of the year on land to breed. […]

Birds Seen for the First Time

Birds Seen for the First Time

Here are some photographs of new birds for my list so far this year. They have been shot exclusively in Texas and Southern Arizona. There are many beautiful areas and wildlife preserves down here and it is my delight to make the most of them when I can. These images were shot in the following […]

Black Bears on the Beach

Black Bears on the Beach

We have seen Black Bears (Ursus americana) in several National Parks (Denali, Yellowstone, Glacier) and places in between. But this was the first time seeing them on the beach.  There was a Sow demonstrating the process to her cub. and the Yearling Cub demonstrating listening and watching Mother… working their way along the beach to […]

This Guy Deserves an Award !

This Guy Deserves an Award !

While in Yellowstone National Park, I had stopped to work a pair of Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator) and noticed a group of cars pulled off the road just up the hill – probably bear! Having finished with the swans, I decided to walk up to the other cars to see what was going on.  As […]

This Makes a Great Day of Wildlife Photography!

This Makes a Great Day of Wildlife Photography!

…..for me. What makes “Great” day in your wildlife photography?  Do tell me. I really enjoy photographing wildlife.  Moving to Nikon cameras from my old Hasselblad “V” System camera enabled me to get some long glass.  I started with the Nikkor 200.0-400.0mm f/4 lens primarily for birds and warbirds (i.e. anything that flies!), largely inspired […]