Posts Tagged ‘RRS Triopd’

The non-Shorebirds that go to Churchill

The non-Shorebirds that go to Churchill

My previous blog was about the shorebirds in their gorgeous breeding plumage that make their way to Churchill, Manitoba.  But there are plenty of other types of birds and species that travel all the way to Churchill in order to breed. Many of these birds also “dress up” in order to attract a mate!  Here […]

Why Go to Churchill, Manitoba, to Photograph Birds?

Why Go to Churchill, Manitoba, to Photograph Birds?

Story with photographs showing the breeding plumage of several species of shorebirds as they migrate to the sub-arctic North to breed in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada

I’ve Got Lunch Honey – Well Almost!

I've Got Lunch Honey - Well Almost!

Photographs of Arctic Terns on an iceberg in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada

Witnessing a Natural Phenomenon

Witnessing a Natural Phenomenon

As the blog from our full-time RVing in North Americas says – serendipity strikes again.  We visited Haines in Alaska for images of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) but instead discovered all three species of Scoters (Surf Scoter, Black Scoter and White-winged Scoter) in this feeding frenzy. Oh how I love wildlife photography! Mother Nature is […]

Why do they call Haliaeetus leucocephalus “Snow Pigeons” ?

Why do they call Haliaeetus leucocephalus “Snow Pigeons” ?

This is a recent blog from our full-time RVing travels about Wildlife Photography of Bald Eagles in Alaska. Click on the image to go to the blog entry.

A Sample of Recent Adventures in South Dakota.

A Sample of Recent Adventures in South Dakota.

As we approached the Thor Diesel Owners Club Rally I managed to carve out a day and a half to work on some images.  Something I haven’t managed to do since the end of May – which is REALLY bad.  But essential timing as I head to Anchorage tomorrow morning for a Moose & Northern […]

A Rare Experience in Custer State Park

A Rare Experience in Custer State Park

We were visiting The Black Hills of South Dakota and fell in love with the scenery and especially the Wildlife Loop.  We also really liked Custer, the town and could envisage settling there eventually (as long as the Winters are not too L o n g ). While in the area we had enjoyed seeing […]

Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) dines on Frogs Legs

We are at the Dealership for “Tigger”, our 40′ diesel pusher motor home and one of the managers tells me that they had just finished clearing the pond and there is a couple of “nice ducks” on the water.  So I head round there with my gear, but they are a pair of standard Mallards.  However […]

Things To Do On The Beach – 03

Things To Do On The Beach - 03

Have a Snooze Gear: Nikon D4s, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-17 EII, Lexar Digital Film.  For the close-ups mounted on Skimmer Ground Pod II with RRS Ball-head, for the others mounted on RRS Tripod and RRS Gimbal Head