Archive for August, 2013

A Way to Attract the Girls

A Way to Attract the Girls

The Short-billed Dowitcher (Linodromus griseus) has a way with the girls during breeding season.  He flies thousands of miles north, to the Tundra and puts on his breeding plumage.  The plumage is highlighted by a bright orange (rufous) foreneck and breast.  This is irresistible to the females – the purpose of the exercise. Then after […]

A new Home for my beloved Nikon, RRS, Gitzo, etc. GEAR!

A new Home for my beloved Nikon, RRS, Gitzo, etc. GEAR!

  No, I am not looking for a new home for it all , I am definitely keeping it all so don’t get excited (sorry Hadas, I know you are looking for a good camera), but I have just completed my IKEA jig-saw puzzle so that I can organize and store all of my photographic […]

Ablutions in the Tundra Marshes

Ablutions in the Tundra Marshes

It is past 9:00 pm, there is no hint of sunset, but we are into the sweet light of the day, referred to by most as “golden hour”.  I have been out since 6:00 am, just after sunrise, as there isn’t much night this far North – just south of the Arctic Circle – in […]

The Solitary Sandpiper

The Solitary Sandpiper

At first I easily mistook this bird for another Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa malanoleuca), as there head been several around.  However, this bird was working the marsh for food by itself.  A quick consultation with Sibley’s pointed me to the Solitary Sandpiper (Tringa solitarius).  Apparently it is often mistaken for a Greater Yellowlegs but is described […]

Stalking the Jaegers

Stalking the Jaegers

Week 1 in Churchill, Manitoba we had seen a pair of Parasitic Jaegers (Stercorarius parasiticus), on one of the areas of Tundra marsh from a distance, while driving by looking for suitable bird shoots.  Week 2 and one of the objectives I set myself, was to get some good shots of these birds.  So with […]