Posts Tagged ‘’

de Haviland DH.88 Comet

de Haviland DH.88 Comet

Festival of Flight at the Shuttleworth Collection 01 The DH.88 Comet was built during the period between the World Wars where the aircraft industry and the public were focussing on racing. The Comet was built in 1934 for the England to Australia MacRobertson Air Race. The development of the Comet was seen as a prestige […]

January was time to work on some Warbirds

January was time to work on some Warbirds

I know that I blogged too little last year.  With our adventure to Alaska and then through the Yokon, Northwest Territory, British Columbia and Alberta back South there really were too few bad weather days (yes a strange sort of complaint) in order to process images, update photography websites and blog! I also struggled with […]

Both Avro Lancasters Flying Together

Both Avro Lancasters Flying Together

I recently received and watched the BluRay “Reunion of Giants”.  It is an incredible feature of a truly unique event.  It is the story of how the Avro Lancaster Mk. X owned and operated by the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum (CWHM) was readied and flew to England in order to fly in formation with the only […]

When it’s a Full Moon…..

When it's a Full Moon.....

If I am not away on a trip, Hamilton Park in New Jersey is where I try to head to on a “clear” night with a full moon.  The park is at the top of a cliff overlooking mid-town Manhattan.  The cliff provides the perspective I love, rather than being at river level.  From this […]

What causes the Flush?

What causes the Flush?

A group of Stilt Sandpipers at dusk in the Tundra Marshes of Churchill, Manitoba on the Hudson Bay.  They are happily milling around, preening but not looking for food – it is the end of the day, time for bed … I am stealthily taking their photographs, because as a photographer while I am edging […]

Follow The Herd?

Follow The Herd?

An image of a group of birds all heading in the same direction – hunting for sustenance in the Far North during their breeding season.  But, can you spot the “odd man out”?  I am not sure why, but I am always thrilled when I can get a shot with more than one species together […]

A Way to Attract the Girls

A Way to Attract the Girls

The Short-billed Dowitcher (Linodromus griseus) has a way with the girls during breeding season.  He flies thousands of miles north, to the Tundra and puts on his breeding plumage.  The plumage is highlighted by a bright orange (rufous) foreneck and breast.  This is irresistible to the females – the purpose of the exercise. Then after […]

A new Home for my beloved Nikon, RRS, Gitzo, etc. GEAR!

A new Home for my beloved Nikon, RRS, Gitzo, etc. GEAR!

  No, I am not looking for a new home for it all , I am definitely keeping it all so don’t get excited (sorry Hadas, I know you are looking for a good camera), but I have just completed my IKEA jig-saw puzzle so that I can organize and store all of my photographic […]

Ablutions in the Tundra Marshes

Ablutions in the Tundra Marshes

It is past 9:00 pm, there is no hint of sunset, but we are into the sweet light of the day, referred to by most as “golden hour”.  I have been out since 6:00 am, just after sunrise, as there isn’t much night this far North – just south of the Arctic Circle – in […]

The Solitary Sandpiper

The Solitary Sandpiper

At first I easily mistook this bird for another Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa malanoleuca), as there head been several around.  However, this bird was working the marsh for food by itself.  A quick consultation with Sibley’s pointed me to the Solitary Sandpiper (Tringa solitarius).  Apparently it is often mistaken for a Greater Yellowlegs but is described […]

Stalking the Jaegers

Stalking the Jaegers

Week 1 in Churchill, Manitoba we had seen a pair of Parasitic Jaegers (Stercorarius parasiticus), on one of the areas of Tundra marsh from a distance, while driving by looking for suitable bird shoots.  Week 2 and one of the objectives I set myself, was to get some good shots of these birds.  So with […]

Migrating Shorebirds fly to the Tundra

Yes a great deal of the shorebirds that we see during our summer vacations and all winter long fly thousands of miles to the tundra in order to mate and breed.  Part of this process is the courtship of the males and females to choose their partners and then nest and mate. One of my […]

Who would have thought – An Owl that Lives Below Ground?

Who would have thought - An Owl that Lives Below Ground?

Yes indeed the Burrowing Owl digs its own burrow in which to lay and hatch its young! In Cape Coral, Florida you are told to look for vacant building lots to search for Burrowing Owls (Athene Caunicularia).  This proves the Owls are a wise as legend has, because in Cape Coral their habitats are protected […]

Drama in the Skies

Drama in the Skies

In landscape photography nine times out of ten the skies really make the image.  That is why most photographers hate bald skies (cloudless) because they are a boring sheet of blue.  Recently when i was in Monument Valley, I would not shoot any landscapes because it was yet another day of bald sky and I […]

Even working on Saturday in my office isn’t too awful

Even working on Saturday in my office isn't too awful

A hard day in the office, on a Saturday, with Louise!           Gear: Nikon D800, MB-D12, Nikkor 14mm-24mm f/2.8  

How do you feed your children?

How do you feed your children?

Spending hours at The Venice Rookery on my new project, bird photography, I get the chance just to watch and observe different behaviours.  One that started to get my attention was the different way some of the nesting birds fed their young. A Great Blue Heron with one chick arrives on the tops of the […]

Dramatic Cloudscape

Dramatic Cloudscape

I just love to watch dramatic skies – and there are many of those here in Florida.  This one was taken during the “Sun ‘n Fun” Airshow.  The weather wasn’t too kind and some displays were cancelled and others modified to suit the weather and the ceiling.  But it was a great airshow none the […]

Juveniles ONLY – NO ADULTS !

Juveniles ONLY - NO ADULTS !

I made a return visit to Pinecraft Park in Sarasota to show Louise the Barred Owls and the Pileated Woodpeckers.  However, on this visit I could only shoot the juveniles.  We did see an adult Barred Owl, but it was right against the trunk of a tree and completely obscured by branches and leaves.  But […]

For Someone who has just started their bird photography – it can’t get any better than today!

For Someone who has just started their bird photography - it can't get any better than today!

Recently, was it really only yesterday, I had my first encounter with a Pileated Woodpecker and that was fantastic. Today I was heading for The Celery Fields near Saratoga (well in the last ten days I had been to two different Lettuce Lakes – perhaps there is a salad theme here?) having had the best […]

This Morning at The Venice Rookery

This Morning at The Venice Rookery

I always rise early so that I can shoot in the sweet light of the morning.  At The Rookery the sun rises behind you as you are lining up on the wildlife which is just perfect.  Today was a GREAT day for me – I saw (and shot) my first Pileated Woodpecker. What a treat, […]

Who Are These Guys?

I am at the TICO Warbird Airshow. I have finished the static shoot as there are now too many people milling around.  So I am back at the car leisurely swapping wide angled lenses for telephoto lenses, there is no rush. It is 11:00 am. with flying due to start at 12:30pm plenty of time […]

Great Egret Chicks – how cute

Great Egret Chicks - how cute

Visiting The Rookery at Venice again there is this Great Egret nest on the edge of the “island” in full view.  For the first time I saw Great Egret chicks – how startlingly strange they look with their green skin an white “punk” plumage around their head and necks.  And those big eyes, which when […]

Anchor Points

Anchor Points

All good images have their anchor points which give you the context for the whole image.  However, I am at the TICO Warbird Airshow, the air show flying hasn’t started yet, but there is a magnificent Florida Sky!  I call them Florida skies because I have only seen them in Florida, there appears to be […]

From Venice Fishing Pier

From Venice Fishing Pier

It was good to be back on the Fishing Pier at Venice, Florida.  It just typifies the Sea Shore here.  Very busy with lots of people fishing, many youngsters – girls as well as boys, but all age groups.  I wonder how many took their supper home? I was waiting for the buzzer in my […]