Just how close is he going to get?

Up in the air, bouncing around in the back of a Short Brothers’ Skyvan with the back door open, on a Moose Peterson workshop, and I think this guy wants to come aboard and join us!

The air behind the Skyvan is very rough as it is not an aerodynamically shaped design – roughly square in profile, so the skills the pilots demonstrate for the air to air photography shoots are incredible.  As you will see through my posts over the next few weeks, not only do they stay with the Skyvan on a solo basis as in this image of the P-51 Mustang “Cripes A’ Mighty” (living up to its name!), but also in formation.

The pilots are everything on these adventures!




3 Responses to “Just how close is he going to get?”

  1. Just how close is he going to get? (Warbird Images – P-51 Mustang) http://t.co/ivyuIjUE

  2. Just how close is he going to get? http://t.co/h9TVFmjo

  3. Just how close is he going to get? http://t.co/6zJWK86C

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