Things To Do On The Beach – 01

If you have an itch scratch it!!

Black Skimmer (Rynochops niger) at Fort De Soto County Park beach, Florida

Black Skimmer (Rynochops niger) at Fort De Soto County Park beach, Florida

Dunlins (Caldris alpina) at Fort De Soto County Park Beach, Florida

Dunlins (Caldris alpina) at Fort De Soto County Park Beach, Florida

Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) with Willets  (Tringa semipalmata) at Fort De Soto County park beach, Florida

Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) with Willets (Tringa semipalmata) at Fort De Soto County park beach, Florida

Black Skimmer (Rynochops niger) at Fort De Soto County Park beach, Florida

Black Skimmer (Rynochops niger) at Fort De Soto County Park beach, Florida

Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus) scratching an itch, Fort De Soto County Park beach, Florida

Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus) scratching an itch, Fort De Soto County Park beach, Florida

Gear: Nikon D4s, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-17 EII, Lexar Digital Film.  For the close-ups mounted on Skimmer Ground Pod II with RRS Ball-head, for the others mounted on RRS Tripod and RRS Gimbal Head

One Response to “Things To Do On The Beach – 01”

  1. Bruce KAY says:

    Another group of excellent photos…

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