Oh to be able to shoot them in their natural environment!

This was my first “long exposure” (pun intended) to photographing gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), especially since I started wildlife photography a couple of years ago.  While this is not their natural jungle environment this enclosure at San Diego Wildlife Park seemed to work well for the gorillas.

Silverback under a tree

Silverback under a tree

We just stood and watched them for a while and witnessed the Silverback doing his job.  Although, in this environment, there would not be a challenge to his leadership from another Silverback, we saw him looking after his group – especially the baby.

Silverback looking out for a family member

Silverback looking out for a family member

Silverback "piggy-backs" the baby

Silverback “piggy-backs” the baby

We also happened to be there for feeding time.  The rangers dropped the food from above.

Younger Gorilla with food, Silverback awaits his

Younger Gorilla with food, Silverback awaits his

Collecting Lunch

Collecting Lunch

Is there any more?

Is there any more? Pretty Please?

I guess two beans is it!

I guess two beans is it then!

I really enjoyed this experience and will return for an even longer visit with these interesting critters.  Their faces are so expressive.


Gorilla Buddha

Gorilla Buddha

Gear: Nikon D4S; Nikkor 80mm-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VRIII, Nikkor TC-17 EII; Lexar Digital Film

3 Responses to “Oh to be able to shoot them in their natural environment!”

  1. Margaret says:

    Have been there and love it. I am partial to the giraffes. The Safari Park is so much nicer than the Zoo. Enjoy your travels. We hope to head to Alaska this year or next.

  2. admin says:

    Many Thanks Lenore – it was really moving to watch them.

  3. Lenore says:

    I really enjoyed these gorilla shots Richard. Lovely light/exposure and so calm and expressive.

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