Posts Tagged ‘fine art prints for sale’

Mountain Bluebirds – Adult Female and 3 Fledgelings

Mountain Bluebirds - Adult Female and 3 Fledgelings

Visiting Custer State Park in South Dakota. One of the best wildlife parks to visit. It has everything from the great old male Buffalo to some of the tiniest birds. A good place for birds is in the airport area. The fenceposts are very popular. Traveling around the Wildlife Loop Road this family of Mountain […]

Kenai Fjords National Park – what a dream

Kenai Fjords National Park - what a dream

We took the Wildlife  excursion with Kenai Fjords Tours from Seward.  it was 8.5 hours of pure delight.  Captain Mark Lundstrom did an excellent job of getting us to the locations and providing insight on the birds, marine mammals, glaciation and volcanic activity.  We had the good fortune to meet Mark when we went to the […]

Witnessing a Natural Phenomenon

Witnessing a Natural Phenomenon

As the blog from our full-time RVing in North Americas says – serendipity strikes again.  We visited Haines in Alaska for images of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) but instead discovered all three species of Scoters (Surf Scoter, Black Scoter and White-winged Scoter) in this feeding frenzy. Oh how I love wildlife photography! Mother Nature is […]

Why do they call Haliaeetus leucocephalus “Snow Pigeons” ?

Why do they call Haliaeetus leucocephalus “Snow Pigeons” ?

This is a recent blog from our full-time RVing travels about Wildlife Photography of Bald Eagles in Alaska. Click on the image to go to the blog entry.

A Rare Experience in Custer State Park

A Rare Experience in Custer State Park

We were visiting The Black Hills of South Dakota and fell in love with the scenery and especially the Wildlife Loop.  We also really liked Custer, the town and could envisage settling there eventually (as long as the Winters are not too L o n g ). While in the area we had enjoyed seeing […]

A Day for Raptors

A Day for Raptors

Today I visited Honeymoon Island State Park (by myself!!) for the first time.  Not knowing what to expect I went directly to the Nature Centre and got some excellent advice on where to go.  So I headed straight for the 3.5 mile nature walk.  Parked, set up “bigger” with a 2x on my D4 and […]