Posts Tagged ‘wildlife photographic images’

Things To Do On The Beach – 05

Things To Do On The Beach - 05

Plan A Royal Wedding …. These two love birds were parading around completely oblivious to what was going on around them.  However, it was “Not tonight Josephine”! Gear: Nikon D4S, Nikkor 600mm f/4 VRII, Nikkor TC-17 EII, RRS Tripod, RRS Gimbal Head, Lexar Digital Film

The Solitary Sandpiper

The Solitary Sandpiper

At first I easily mistook this bird for another Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa malanoleuca), as there head been several around.  However, this bird was working the marsh for food by itself.  A quick consultation with Sibley’s pointed me to the Solitary Sandpiper (Tringa solitarius).  Apparently it is often mistaken for a Greater Yellowlegs but is described […]

Birding in the Tundra

Birding in the Tundra

I am on a Moose Peterson workshop in Churchill, Manitoba to photograph the nesting migrating birds.  Why?  Because most of the shorebirds display dramatically different plumage when mating and these images can only be caught here!  So we are on our second day and I wanted to share with you come of the images from […]