Posts Tagged ‘Lexar Professional 32GB 1000X Digital Film’

The Whimbrel’s Cousin – (Numenicus americanus)

The Whimbrel's Cousin - (Numenicus americanus)

Last year Louise & I spent many hours “stalking” Whimbrels (Numenius phaseopus) while we were in Churchill, Manitoba and had a fantastic adventure. One of my Whimbrel images from that adventure is below…. Now, in Florida, shooting shorebirds, wading birds and the occasional diurnal raptor we come face to face with one of Whimbrel’s cousins. […]

From The “Frozen North” in Search Of The Bubo scandiacus

From The "Frozen North" in Search Of The Bubo scandiacus

Well, actually it is not that far North, Southern Ontario, but it is January, it has snowed, it is -16C with a 40 kph wind blowing – it certainly feels like the frozen North. I am on a workshop to shoot Snowy Owls.  This winter there is a very large over-population of Snowy Owls and […]

Ablutions in the Tundra Marshes

Ablutions in the Tundra Marshes

It is past 9:00 pm, there is no hint of sunset, but we are into the sweet light of the day, referred to by most as “golden hour”.  I have been out since 6:00 am, just after sunrise, as there isn’t much night this far North – just south of the Arctic Circle – in […]

The Solitary Sandpiper

The Solitary Sandpiper

At first I easily mistook this bird for another Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa malanoleuca), as there head been several around.  However, this bird was working the marsh for food by itself.  A quick consultation with Sibley’s pointed me to the Solitary Sandpiper (Tringa solitarius).  Apparently it is often mistaken for a Greater Yellowlegs but is described […]

Stalking the Jaegers

Stalking the Jaegers

Week 1 in Churchill, Manitoba we had seen a pair of Parasitic Jaegers (Stercorarius parasiticus), on one of the areas of Tundra marsh from a distance, while driving by looking for suitable bird shoots.  Week 2 and one of the objectives I set myself, was to get some good shots of these birds.  So with […]

Nature’s Sentry

Nature's Sentry

The change in plumage of the shorebirds and the distance they migrate in order to mate is mind-blowing.  Most of them gather here in Churchill in the very north of Manitoba, Canada which is sited on the Hudson Bay. The plumage change is most significant in the male birds as it is their way of […]