Posts Tagged ‘aerobatics’

Who Are These Guys?

I am at the TICO Warbird Airshow. I have finished the static shoot as there are now too many people milling around.  So I am back at the car leisurely swapping wide angled lenses for telephoto lenses, there is no rush. It is 11:00 am. with flying due to start at 12:30pm plenty of time […]

F-104 A Rare Treat

F-104 A Rare Treat

It is not often these days you get an opportunity to see an F-104 Starfighter – twice!  Yes it performed the first two days at the TICO Warbird Airshow, unfortunately on the third day it was too windy  so the F-104 performed along the taxiways for the appreciative crowds. I certainly hadn’t seen a Strfighter in […]